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Healthiest Fruit On Earth

According to the medicinal survey, Malta is the healthiest fruit of this earth. Being rich in Vitamin C it is a immunity booster fruit. Malta's scientific name is Citrus Sinanosis. You can keep yourself healthy by taking just one glass of Malta juice daily. It is also very useful in pneumonia, blood pressure, and intestinal problems as it contains vitamin C 53.2 mg, carbohydrate 11.75 g, fat 0.12 g, energy 47.05 kg. Calories, protein 0.94 grams, fiber 0.12 grams, iron.0.1 mg, phosphorus 14 mg, magnesium 10 mg, potassium 181 mg per 100 grams.  The Malta tree is the most grown in the hilly areas, a variety of medicines are made from its fruit, peel, juice, and seeds, the skin of Malta is also used in cosmetics. Besides increasing appetite, it also used in reducing indigestion and breast cancer wounds. Malta is also rich in nutritional properties with medicinal value, Malta juice has been found to be nutritious and pharmaceutically important. It also increases metabolic rate and calo
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